(800) 407-5455


Simple Secure Commands

You control the FarmAlarm™ using a standard telephone that you have connected to it, or via any telephone anywhere in the world that you have used to call into the system.

You use the keypad on the phone to enter a sequence of digits that are interpreted by the FarmAlarm as a command, and it responds to that command with a voice message for you to verify that what it did was what you wanted. When you call into a FarmAlarm™ or pick up the phone connected to it, it will respond by saying “Farm Alarm” followed by the date and time and then a long continuous beep. Hearing this long beep tells you that it is ready to accept a command. If the FarmAlarm™ does not hear any commands for 2 minutes it will hang up (if you had called into it) or disconnect the local phone (if you were using the local phone).

You can instruct the FarmAlarm™ to only allow setup commands (commands which change the way the FarmAlarm™ behaves) only after a security password has been entered. You can set it so a password is required when someone has called into the FarmAlarm™, or when someone is using the local phone, or both. Some people use a password when a call has been received but set it so that no password is required when using the local phone (since the local phone is usually right there next to the FarmAlarm). If a password is required it must be entered before the unit will accept any setup commands. Once the password is entered or if no password is required, the FarmAlarm™ will say “setup mode enabled”. The default setting is that no password is required for a received call or from the local phone.

If a password is required you enter the password number followed by the pound key. Example:  7 5 1 8 3 2 2 #

If correct the FarmAlarm™ will say “Password okay, setup mode enabled”, otherwise it will say “Password Error”. (Note that if a password is not required or you have already entered a password and you attempt to enter it again, it will say “Please repeat”, since it is expecting a setup command and not a password at that time.)


Example Status Report

  • The report speaks the following information:
  • House number.
  • Whether there is an alarm present in that house or not (“Alarm” or “OK”), or if a battery test is in
  • progress (“Battery test”).
  • If there are any alarms present, will speak the conditions (example: “Water pressure low”). Events
    not in alarm are not spoken, with the exception of temperature and the analog channel.
  • The temperature in zone 1 (and zone 2 if enabled), followed by their status (example: “Temperature
    zone 1 is 66 degrees, status: low alarm”).
  • The status of any monitored condition that does not have an alarm programmed for either a closed
    switch or an open switch condition.
  • The low and high limits currently set for temperature zones 1 and 2, and the analog channel (if not
  • If any input channels have been disabled, will speak the list of disabled channels (example: “disabled
    events are: temperature zone two, analog channel”).
  • The current setting of the “output channel”, either off or on (example: “Output channel is: OFF”). The
    output channel allows the FarmAlarm to turn on or off some external equipment by remote control.
  • After all house have been reported, speaks “End of report”.